Saturday 14 January 2012

Barcelona, The Raval (History)

The following text is translated / adapted from the site of the Ajuntament (Town Hall) of Barcelona. It provides a useful guide to the historical background of the Raval.

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El barrio del Rava
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In Roman Barcelona (Barcino) there were roads that roughly defined the area of what was to be the Raval district. From this time to the fourteenth century, the Raval was an open field with cultivated land, lying  next to the city of Barcelona. En la Barcelona romana había caminos vecinales que dibujaron el contorno que el barrio tuvo más adelante.

El monasterio de Sant Pau del Camp fue el primer núcleo importante del Raval, anterior al siglo X, en torno al cual hubo una pequeña villa medieval vinculada al monThe Monastery of Sant Pau del Camp was the first important nucleus of the Raval. This church was built before the tenth century, and a small medieval village grew up around it. The growth of the Raval into  the form of a diamond took place between 1268 and 1348. These are the dates of the two rings of medieval walls which extended the Roman bounds of city. 1268 saw the construction of the second ring of walls under Jaume I. When further extension was needed, the third and final ring of walls was built under Peter the Ceremonious, 1348. The 1348 walls remained for just over 500 years, when they were knocked down to form the Eixample. They can still be traced today by streets called ‘Ronda’ and the Paral.lel.
La ciudad de Barcelona se encontraba ahogada por las murallas de Jaume I; Pere el Cerimoniós decidió levantar el tercer cinturón amurallado.Pere el Cerimoniós decided to construct the third ring of walls to meet the predicted urban growth. Existía la tendencia general de muchas ciudades de la época de rodear dentro de las murallas la extensión de terreno suficiente para prever la subsistencia de los habitantes en tiempo de guerras y asedios. The Raval was now enclosed and part of the city.  It was still farmland, and intended to provide for the subsistence of the population in times of wars and sieges. Otro motivo era localizar fuera del núcleo urbano los establecimientos, servicios y actividades más molestos o poco recomendables. But the city did not grow as expected in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century: there were economic difficulties (the sea trade moved to the Atlantic), political problems (Barcelona was ruined by the war against Juan II) and adverse social conditions (a demographic downturn was caused by plagues and epidemics). All of these halted the growth of the Raval, which remained in essence an agricultural area.
Entre el siglo XV y la desamortización de Mendizábal en el año 1837, el Raval se convirtió en "tierra de conventos".The Raval did, however, become "the land of monasteries." La gran cantidad de suelo edificable dio pie a la instalación de órdenes religiosas en el marco de la Contrarreforma impulsada por el Concilio de Trento (1543-1563). The large amount of available building land led to the installation of religious orders during the Counter-Reformation. One convent of the Raval was the Dominican Convent dels Angels, built by the architect Bartolomeu Roig in the middle of the sixteenth century. This gothic building, led into by a modest renaissance facade, is now an exhibition space, forming part of the cultural complex formed by MACBA and the CCCB in the square named after it, La Plaza dels Angels, a striking mixture of old and new. “The land of monasteries” came to an end with ‘La Desamortización’ in 1837, when many monasteries across Spain were expropriated and privatized by a liberal government.
A principios del siglo XVIII, las industrias empezaron a instalarse en medio de huertos, conventos y casas gremiales.In the early eighteenth century, the Raval changed its character as industries began to settle among the gardens, convents and guild houses. La prohibición del año 1718 de importar tejidos estampados favoreció la aparición de la industria manufacturera. In 1718 a ban on imported printed fabrics led to the emergence of the manufacturing industry. Entre 1770 y 1840 se produjo la industrialización definitiva del barrio del Raval. Between 1770 and 1840 the Raval was industrialized. A partir de la segunda mitad de 1700 empezaron a aparecer nuevas calles con fábricas y viviendas para los trabajadores. From 1750 new streets began to appear with factories and housing for workers. Desaparecieron las casas gremiales o se subdividieron en muchas viviendas de alquiler para acoger a los numerosos campesinos que huían del hambre del campo (crisis agrícola de 1765-1766). Guild houses disappeared or were subdivided into rented tenements to accommodate the many hungry peasants fleeing the countryside (in particular at the time of a severe agricultural crisis in 1765-1766). Los trabajadores de las fábricas se quedaron a vivir en el Raval., cerca del trabajo. The factory workers settled in the Raval, closer to their place of work. Este barrio se convirtió en el más denso de Europa y se aprovechó hasta el último metro cuadrado edificable. This district became the most densely populated in Europe. Entre los años 1783 y 1785, se instaló la industria Erasme Gònima y se levantó la mayor fábrica de tejidos, hilados y estampados de su tiempo. Between 1783 and 1785 the ‘Erasme Gònima’ was established - the largest fabric manufacturer of the period.
Las jornadas de los obreros eran de doce horas (desde las cinco de la mañana hasta las ocho de la noche).The working days stretched from five in the morning until eight at night. En el año 1829, según el Padrón de Fabricantes, en el Raval había 74 fabricantes textiles, 2.443 telares y 657 máquinas de hilar. In 1829, according to the Census of Manufacturers, in the Raval there were 74 textile manufacturers, 657 looms, and 2,443 spinning machines. Destacaba la fábrica Bonaplata, instalada en la calle de los Tallers. Particularly important was the Bonaplata factory, installed in the Carrer dels Tallers. Tenía entre 600 y 700 trabajadores y era la primera que se impulsaba con vapor. It employed between 600 and 700 workers and was the first factory in Barcelona to be powered by steam. La culminación de todo este proceso fue la instalación conocida como casa-fábrica, donde coincidían las instalaciones fabriles, la representación institucional y la residencia del fabricante. The culmination of this process was the facility known as the ‘home-factory’, where manufacturing plants, institutional representation and the residence of the manufacturer all occupied the same area. Este es el caso de la España Industrial en el año 1839 en la calle de la Riereta. El Raval was the only place within the walls where it was possible to construct large buildings: outside the walls factories would be threatened by political instability, such as the Carlists (a political movement permanently at war with the monarchy), and by common banditry. The Raval was also well placed as an industrial centre as it offered an easy route to the port.
El mantenimiento de unos sueldos bajos, unas largas jornadas laborales, el cierre de las fábricas como demostración de fuerza de los fabricantes, la supresión de la sopa de caridad y la persecución de las asociaciones obreras hicieron que el 2 de julio de 1855 estallara una huelga bajo la consigna general del derecho de asociación y la jornada laboral de diez horas. Industrialisation was accompanied by industrial unrest. Low wages, long hours,  the closure of factories as a show of force by the manufacturers, the removal of charity soup and the prohibition of workers' associations led to a strike (July 2, 1855), in which workers demanded the right of association and a ten-hour workday. Las revueltas obreras contra las mecanizaciones modernas y diversas epidemias de cólera llevaron a tomar la decisión de derribar las murallas en el año 1859 y permitir así la expansión urbana e industrial fuera de un núcleo urbano insalubre y fácilmente controlable por un movimiento obrero que empezaba a organizarse. Workers' revolts against modern machinery,  and various cholera epidemics, helped lead to the decision to tear down the walls in 1859, thereby allowing expansion outside the old city, which was both unhealthy and easily controlled by an increasingly organized labour movement. El éxodo empresarial hacia la planura de Barcelona empezó a principios de los años sesenta. From the early 1860s, companies moved to the plain outside Barcelona being developed into the Eixample. In the new model city, the Raval became a peripheral area, chiefly providing workers’ tenement housing. In the early twentieth century it continued to have a predominantly working class population. Los movimientos de los barrio alcanzaron una importancia que rebasó sus fronteras. As such, it was of wider national importance in the story of organised labour. In 1870 the first Spanish Labour Congress took place.  In 1871 the largest Catalan union of the time (of textile workers) joined the First International, and in 1888, the large modern union, the UGT, was also founded  in the Raval.
The El Raval se fue convirtiendo cada vez más en un barrio de viviendas para las clases con menos poder adquisitivo, entre las cuales los inmigrantes (exposiciones universales de 1888 y 1929) eran una parte destacada.TheT Raval was becoming increasingly an area of ​​housing for the poor, in particular immigrant workers (for example those employed for the world fairs of 1888 and 1929) This working class played an important role during the ‘Semana Trágica’ (26-31 July 1909), a week of riots during which the Raval was one of the main centres for the burning of convents and the confrontation with the army. [Added: The anarcho-syndicalists played an important part in the organisation of strikes and revolutionary opposition to the established order. This tradition is still alive in the Raval today: in 1988, beneath the headquarters of the CNT Union (Confederación Nacional de Trabajo) a bookshop opened dedicated to anarchist and socialist publications, with its own magazine, ‘Solidaridad Obrera’ (‘Workers’ Solidarity’). The bookshop is called ‘La Rosa del Foc’(The Fiery Rose), which was the name coined for Barcelona as parts of it burned in the ‘Setmana Trágica’ a century ago.]
El hacinamiento humano, una red viaria estrecha y tortuosa, la proximidad del puerto y la dedicación de muchos inmuebles a bares, salas de espectáculos y casas de tolerancia, acabaron configurando una zona en el sur del Raval que hacia el año 1925 el periodista Àngel Marsà bautizó con el nombre de Barrio Chino.Overcrowding, narrow winding roads, the proximity of the port, and the proliferation of bars, clubs and brothels, characterized a zone in the south of the Raval that in 1925 the journalist Àngel Marsà baptized ‘Chinatown’ (Barri Chino). Las destrucciones de la guerra y la miseria de la posguerra perjudicaron considerablemente la vida nocturna del barrio, en un proceso que acabó con el decreto de cierre de las casas de prostitución en el año 1956. The Civil Car (1936-39) greatly damaged this nightlife district, and after the war reformation was pursued by other means: the closure of brothels was decreed in 1956.
Las primeras voces que reclamaron la mejora del barrio surgieron en los años treinta, durante la Segunda República 1931-1936, con las propuestas de los arquitectos del GATCPAC.The first voices that called for the improvement of the Raval came in the thirties, during the Second Republic (1931-1936), with the proposals of the architects of GATCPAC. El plan Macià ofrecía soluciones racionalistas e integradas en los problemas del barrio. The Macià plan offered integrated solutions to the problems of the neighbourhood. Pero fueron las bombas de la Guerra Civil las que hicieron los primeros saneamientos urbanísticos en el sur del Raval (avenida de García Morato, hoy avenida de las Drassanes). But it was the bombing of the Civil War which led to the first urban sanitation in the southern Raval (García Morato Avenue, Avenue of the Drassanes today). Durante los años ochenta del siglo XX, la Administración impulsó una decidida política de reformas y rehabilitación de viviendas, de apertura de espacios y creación de equipamientos para la comunidad, que fue dejando en segundo término el nombre de Barrio Chino para recuperar la denominación histórica del Raval. During the 1980s, the Administration promoted a policy of housing improvements, creating open spaces and opening facilities for the community. This was the 'espinjament' or 'cleaning' programme. The name Chinatown was gradually replaced by the historical designation ‘Raval’.
Further Sources