Here is an audio of Eliot reading 'Ash Wednesday'.
After which, of course, listening to other readers and learning from them is a sane and sensible thing to do. From the mountain of academic commentaries (most of them unread by me) here are a few that I have found helpful and stimulating.
T S Eliot's Ash Wednesday: Conversion and the Transcendent - short online commentary. I can't find an author's name.
Denis Donoghue, T S Eliot and the Poem Itself. Donoghue writes beautifully about Eliot (I recommend his book Words Alone) and this is a long and rewarding essay about and around 'Ash Wednesday', originally published in the Partisan Review.
Theodore Morrison, 'Ash Wednesday': A Religious History. Very clear article, from 1938. [JSTOR]
Two articles tracing parallels between Eliot and Dante:
Audrey T Rogers, T S Eliot's "Purgatorio": the Structure of "Ash Wednesday". Detailed commentary, linking it to the 'mythic structure' of Dante. There is no need to know the Dante to follow the article. [JSTOR]
Sister M Cleophas, Ash Wednesday: the Purgatorio in a Modern Mode [JSTOR]